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Craft Cocktail Infusion Kits

Craft Cocktail Infusion Kits

Regular price $ 24.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 24.00 USD
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Craft Cocktail Kits are all the rage. This is the original Mixology product that we started with when we launched. We dry our own fruit for these, here in sunny Florida. Reusable 16oz mason jars with cute instruction cards in each jar! Tamper resistant seal. We brought back 4 best sellers: The Old Fashioned Chocolate Espresso Blueberry Lavender Lemonade Fizz Honeysuckle Orange Pineapple Pour your booze of choice into the jar of fruits, replace the lid and let it sit for 24 to 48 hours (or longer if you want a deeper flavor profile) Shake the jar to muddle the fruits. Strain out the fruits and you have infused booze! Add a shot into a mixer or drink it straight, like the Old Fashioned! Get creative! Shelf life: 12 to 18 months 16oz mason jars- reusable Fair Trade, Locally Sourced, Recyclable
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