Australian Wildlife Relief

Australian Wildlife Relief


Australian Wildlife Conservancy

Out of control fires are destroying the land and wildlife in Australia. The fires are so strong it's been said it can be seen as far as New Zealand. At least 25 human deaths, and around 480 million animals have been affected so far, and the fires are predicted to burn for at least a couple more months. These fires are sending many of our precious animals towards the brink of distinction… Cattle, sheep, and wildlife desperately need our help! 

We are donating 25% of our proceeds through the month of January from our Save Australia Leotard to an Australian conservation helping to preserve Australia's native species, called Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Founder, Martin Copley founded AWC as a service to conservation and the environment through the preservation of Australia’s native species of flora and fauna. Let's all jump in and try to do our part in giving back to this amazing organization in the fight to help Australia. 

Australia wildfires threaten our wildlife help support Australian Wildlife Relief

"We are only as strong as we are united, and weak as we are divided" J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 

"True benevolence or compassion, extends itself through the whole of existence and sympathizes with the distress of every creature capable of sensation." Joseph Addison


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