Rosie's Legend Lives On

modern day Rosie the Riveter Foxy's Leotards

Today it really hit me that we really are living in quite similar times to the 1940s, when Rosie the Riveter took action in times of need. These times are interesting- to say the least. With no warning, no understanding, and no control, we were all forced into our homes to stop a fatal virus from spreading. Everyone has been affected by the coronavirus, and everything has changed and will be changed forever changed from here on, even if only our perceptions. The new "normal" will never be the same again. In some was this may be a good thing. In this "down" time people have had a chance to slow down and realize what is really important to them. Although many terrible things have happened during this storm there has also been many silver linings... 

Many of us have had to learn new ways of adapting, literally overnight. Modern day Rosie the Riveters have come back out of the wood-work to do what they can to keep the world revolving. Not to dismiss the male Riveter's out there, but this article is shining light on all of the women of the world today doing what they do best: taking charge, fighting the fight, not giving up, and doing whatever they can to save our desperate world. 

Some of the Modern Day Rosie the Riveter's Today:

1. MOTHERS- Mothers (and fathers) have had to step up in teacher roles suddenly. Schools were one of the first places to close down. This has been one of the most common challenges that people have had to face in today's world. This has never happened in our lifetime- everything just shut down. Parents around the world began to panic- who will watch the kids while they work??!! 

But we quickly realized that work was no longer an option either, so we didn't have to worry anymore about who would watch the kids. Parents did have to worry now about how they would become the teachers. Home-schooling has forever changed in the eyes of all parents. You guys are doing it though!, 💪🏻 and you're doing it well. Don't sweat the homework assignments too much. Just be sure your kids are happy. Be sure you are happy. The rest will all fall into place….kids home from school due to Covid-19

2. NURSES- Foxy's is blessed to have the connections we have through Instagram to know so many great people, including many mothers who are also nurses. Nurses have always been there for us but they are proving themselves on another level these days. These modern day Rosie the Riveters are our true heroes. They are finally getting the recognition they deserve and will forever be looked at with a lot more compassion from the eyes of the world. 

modern day rosie the riveter and super women

“The eyes are the mirror of the soul and reflect everything that seems to be hidden; and like a mirror, they also reflect the person looking into them.”
Paulo Coelho

modern day rosie the riveters

(Foxy's has gifted and donated over a 1,000 masks to nurses and nursing homes around the world, for people who need a little extra protection, with hopes that they help, even just a little...) 

Covid-19 nurse

3. Protective Mask Makers- My friend Emilie sent me these amazing shots she took while she was making masks to donate, too. She also sent me the most sweetest message ever about how my mother and how she continues to inspire her after over 20 years. I will save that for another blog…(so good).

elastic for face masksprotective face masks for Covid-19

I've received many other messages and photos from friends who are also making masks. There are so many modern day Rosie the Riveter's making masks out there that there is a shortage of elastic! It's truly amazing to see the once thought of lost-art of sewing is not so lost anymore. It's like riding a bike. I have a feeling that many lost arts, passions, and desires will start to come to surface for many others during this time, too!✨

covid-19 masks

Foxy's is fortunate to have this opportunity to be part of the mask-making movement. For many small businesses, manufacturing masks has been a way to help keep the rent and bills paid. Since all the gyms and dance studios closed down, and all the competitions cancelled, (including the 2020 Olympics!) manufacturing masks has been helped us and for that we are very grateful. Foxy’s is so grateful for all of your love and support during this epidemic, and always. 💞

vogue magazine 

Rosie's legend lives on, many moons later, through many people and generations. There's nothing in the world that together we can not overcome. Year's from now we will look back at this time of quarantine, and realize all we've made it through, and will have many stories of triumph to tell the next generations. Our children's children will pass the Rosie baton down onto the next generation for whatever battles they will have to go through. Collectively we will grow stronger through this. These times help to remind us how strong we really are, and together, WE CAN DO ANYTHING!! 


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