girls love Foxy's Leotards

Why Do Girls Love Foxy's Leotards

Why do girls love Foxy's Leotards?! We're going to tell you...

"We love Foxy's Leotards because they are comfortable, breathable, and adorable."

"I love Foxy's Leotards because there are so many choices."

"I love Foxy's Leotards because they are so comfortable. I also love Foxy's leos because of the backs on them."

"I love Foxy's because they great leotards and they are so nice."

"My favorite Foxy's Leotard is the one that I'm wearing right now."

"I love Foxy's because they have a leo for every single holiday and I can express myself."

"I love Foxy's Leotards because they are so comfortable and there are so many choices. There's a blue one, even a kitty cat one, it's so cool, right? Even a monkey one. There's so many choices!!!"

Thank you everyone for your continued love and support. We love you! Please watch this gymnastics video below, created by Natasha Tysick (@our_little_gymnast). 

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